Andrea Federspiel
Senior Research Consultant SCAN
Prof. Dr.
• Master degree in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
• PhD in Physics, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
• 2009. Habilitation (Venia docenti) at the University Bern, Medical Faculty
• 2013. Associate Professor at the University Bern, Medical Faculty
Research interests
• Functional MRI including BOLD and non-BOLD modalities.
• Functional connectivity.
• Cerebral Blood Perfusion (CBF).
• Diffusion Tensor Imaging.
• Senior Research Consultant at SCAN
Selected publications
Leonie Steiner, Andrea Federspiel, Nedelina Slavova, Roland Wiest, Sebastian Grunt, Maja Steinlin, Regula Everts. ’Functional topography of the thalamo-cortical system during development and its relation to cognition’. Neuroimage. 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117361.
Viher PV, Stegmayer K, Federspiel A, Bohlhalter S, Wiest R, Walther S ‘Altered diffusion in motor white matter tracts in psychosis patients with catatonia’. Schizophr Res. 2020 Jun;220:210-217. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2020.03.017.
Over 140 articles in the field of medicine
Over 21 articles in the field of physics
h-index (2021) 37